Monday, November 25, 2013

What Matters Most

This week I want to talk about some great knowledge I've been blessed with and will keep with me for the rest of my life. Its rare when in life you have a moment to pause and look at your life. And where you want to find yourself in the near future. This week I had a strong reconfirmation that this is where I'm supposed to be. How grateful I am to have been humbled enough while at home to listen to the still small voice telling me to go and serve a mission, even when I did not want to go. Now here on my mission I've had time to reflect on my life, what I want to become and what I want for my future. I love these insightful questions from Elder Utchdorf...

"Pause for a moment and check where your own heart and thoughts are. Are you focused on the things that matter most? How you spend your quiet time may provide a valuable clue. Where do your thoughts go when the pressure of deadlines is gone? Are your thoughts and heart focused on those short-lived fleeting things that matter only in the moment, or on the things that matter most? What grudges do you bear? What excuses do you cling to that keep you from being the kind of husband, father, son, and priesthood holder you know you shouldl be? What are the things that distract you from your duties or hinder you from magnifying your calling more diligently?...It is my fervent prayer that in spite of temptations, we will never lower our standards; that in spite of distractions, whenever they may come from, we will not lose focus on what matters most"

I've learned from the past 9 months being out on my mission that we are more happy when our wills are in line with gods will. I am amazed when reading about the apostle Peter in Luke 5 8-11 when Christ asked him to "Come, follow me". In response the apostle Peter "forsook all and followed him". As I kept reading I understood that a person who "does not forsake all, is not a disciple" of Jesus Christ. To forsake is to give up EVERYTHING! To give it all to the Lord and hold nothing back. God knows what trials we need to face to become perfected. All my faith and trust and confidence is in my Heavenly Father. He knows me perfectly and loves me. Now more then ever do I understand why he wanted me on a mission here in Texas. I know that "for whosoever layith down (their) life for (the saviors) sake shall find it" (D&C 103:27). As I align my will with Gods will I'm understanding more about what I want. I want to be happy and I know that to be happy for eternity I need to keep following in the footsteps of my Savior. Though its not an easy road I know in the end when I finish my mission or even my life I will look back and be happy that I gave my all and held nothing back!

To those who are going through a trial I want to speak to you. Please know how much your Father in Heaven loves you. He cares for you and hears your prayers. He knew we would have trials in this life and make mistakes. This is why he sent his son. Christ knows exactly what you are going through! Hes felt your pain, guilt, sorrow, grief, he has felt everything you have felt and are feeling. Know that your Father in Heaven is aware of you and he wants you to "be of good cheer, thine advercities and afflictions shall be for a small moment. and if thou enders it well thou will be exalted on high" (D&C 19) I know my Savior lives. How blessed I am to be a member of this church. I am who I am today because of my parents raising me in a gospel centered/Christ centered home. I'm thankful to be a missionary and to be a representative of Jesus Christ.

Love- Hermana Ashley Jaeger 

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