Monday, April 7, 2014

Last General Conference on the Mish

My Companion & I  Hermana W

I'm so glad to hear that Austin is safe in Chile!!! So many people were telling me about the bad earthquake and tsunami and I got nervous. :[ but remembered that the lord always protects his servants.

Conference week was great we had a good amount of our recent converts, less active members, and investigators come to church :] I learned a lot.  

I am so grateful to be a missioanry. Of course during the hard times I just want to give up haha but I am so grateful for this time I have on my mission. I've changed a lot and am more prepared to be a wife and a mom who is really faithful in the gospel. Its funny, when the age changed i just thought of it one sided, that the world is ready for more missionaries!!! But now I'm figuring out that its also another way...the next future generation needs REALLY faithful parents to raise them up as the world become more wicked and we draw more closer to the second coming. I LOVE the scriptures and seriously read them whenevr I get the chance. This gospel changes lives, its amazing to see that transformation in other but more in yourself. I could encourage you all to read the conference talks again when they come out!!! i hope i can get a copy of one soon haha. Also, super random but while watching the mormon messages after conference I saw one about a flight nurse.....i had a good feeling and I think that is an answer to my question of what i should do after my mission...:] haha I love you all so much and hope all is well :]

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