This week has been a really good week! Monday we had a zone activity. We played a game called, "Do you love your neighbor" HAHA it was so fun but one Elder kept saying, "Umm we should rather say do you RESPECT your neighbor. Its more appropriate." Either way the game was fun. Also went to look up a guy named A. He wasnt home but we saw a guy outside and started talking to him. Come to find out it was A!!! Haha he was so nice and was pretty interested in our message. We tried to visit him again this week but havent been able to see him :/
Tuesday we went and helped an investigators kids with homework! Angel knows very little English so I tried my best teahcing him math and he got it! Then we moved onto Reading and it was in spanish. Haha I feel like I learned more form A's homework then he did! The homework has us read a sentence then draw a picture of what the sentence said. the first sentence was, "Tengo un paragua"....I had a confused look on my face and A's mom started laughing cause she knows how little spanish i understand HAHA! A drew the picture and I found out paragua is an umbrella. After a volleyball activity one of the members, who reminds me of dad cause hes a "big guy" haha he went and sat on my bike and BROKE IT! We were all laughing so hard and I felt bad cause he felt bad. He was kind and the next morning took my bike in and fixed it and its all good! I didnt have to pay for anything :] I'm not sure why so many people try and sit on my bike haha
Wednesday I dont remember haha!
thusrday I had a different Hermana come to my area for the day. I had to bike slower so she could keep up I'vr been on a bike going on 6 months now! But it was interesting to be with her cause she broke up with her boyfriend and was having a hard time and so since i had just recently gone through that I was able to help her!
Friday was AWESOME!!! Hermana O my old companion got to come back to the area here with me! It ws so fun catching up and being together like old times. We had a miracle day and were able to have 8 lessons AND have two of our investigators accept to prepare to be baptized!!! My fav lesson was with an investigator M. Shes a mom of 5 kids and is taking care of them on her own. she is amazing. she started reading 3 nephi 11 where christ visits the americas was confused about the "small voice". We helped explain that that was the holy ghost and how the holy ghost speaks to us in a quiet voice, or more like feelings. She loved it and wants to be baptized in january! We set up a return lesson for today so we can teach her WHOLE fmaily!!! We also talked to a ton of people outside (which was a miracle cause it was like in the 20s) and one guy we met his name was A! Hes about dads age and asked us to come back someother time to teach him.
Saturday I dont remember either! haha.
Sunday was good! We woke up early and biked to peoples houses to get them up for 9am church but no one answered :[ i think like my sister Kelsey too how when people dont answer the door I picture the photo of the savior knocking on the door, waiting for someone to let him in. We did have one person come to church K. ITs so funny she loves to sit by me and she will start to put her head on my shoulder and I'll have to tell her that she need to sit up. Rules in the misison are you cant really be affectionate to kids so its hard cause I LOVE KIDS! Anyway ya the past 3 weeks I've only sat by kids and young woman and someone commented that someday I'll be a great mom :] After church we went back and tried that A guy, and he was home! The spirit was so strong during the lesson for me. We taught the REstoration and found out more about A. He is into construction but work has been really bad. Hes been debating wether or not to move his family to mexico or stay in texas. For some reaon his wife told him they should stay. That sunday A was at home with the tv on but thinking really intently about life and wanting help and guidance from God. Thats when he heard a knock on the door, and there were the missionaries. He knew that his family needed to stay here in texas to hear about htis gospel. I was so amazed that he was so open and ready to hear about this message and change his life! He said when he ran into us the other day outside he didnt have time to talk. When we left he told his wife how amazing it was that young people were outside in the freezing cold preaching about God. A's wife felt the same and they wanted to know more about our church. We are going over this week to share this message with their whole fmaily.
I know God puts specific people in our paths who are ready to hear the gospel! We (not just missionaries) but all of us need to always open out mouths to others and share with them this gospel! And yes not everyone will be interested in listening but God just wants us to try. Really, we are like 6 month olds compared to ur Heavenly Father and the knowledge he has. Do we expect a 6 month old to talk perfectly? do we expect a 6 month old to start running? No! We are just exited that they are trying to blabber or move their legs. Its the same with our relationship to God. He doesn't expect us to do everything perfectly! BUT he does expect us to try. I know our heavenly father lives and loves us. Becuase of that he sent his son jesus christ. I know as we follow in the saviors footsteps we will have more peace in our lives and in the end we will return back home to our heavnly father :] i love you all so much and am happy to see you on Christmas! love- hermana jaeger
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